coming from the band black out this guy is no fucker to mess with !!!
1.What Do You Expect In 20 Years For Metal Music?
i expect the same thing that has happened in all music to happan to will probably come and go at least 2 times in the next 20 yrs...we are in a metal uprising right now so we have to take full action to get our scene noticed NOW!!!
2. Alot of people think that rock bands only lisen to rock you think this is true and what are your views about it?
i think that any true musician has a lot of musical influences, and does not tie thereselves to one style...i myself am a member in a hip-hop group,i like house&techno,goth,even some country,but i would never down someone for there likes and interests...i am a true believer that if it makes YOU happy,or lets YOU release than you should pursue it...
3. How is the friendship with other bands and do you feel intemenated by other bands?
the friendship with other bands has been great as of yet.i have had some really shitty ones with other bands in the past seems to me that a lot of bands get local status and get big headed,we are totally here for our fans and friends.if you are cool with us ,we cool with you.if you backstab, you get the same in is not something 1 man created...all musicians MUST remember that...
4. What is it like with you guys when you play because different band members have different sorts of friendships with the other members ....How do you feel about the other guys?
i quote Feildy..."my best friend in the band is LEE,JUSTIN,CRAIG,and JON...i love these guys like my kids man.i would do what ever i had to to keep my brothers safe...when we jam dude its like we have control over the whole world...we fight like brothers, we kill for each other like brothers...its T.I. 4 lizzy my nizzy...if you ever come to hang with us,you know you gonna have fun,we live life for what it is,SHORT...
5. Now that you guys are in the studio....what are your views on the CD and do you think the fans will feel that they got there money's worth?
its like this, we are doing all the prod. work our selves so we can make sure that we can get a good demo out,that people will like,and sounds exactly like us.we can only hope that people wil give us the respect WE think we is a fical business,you can put your heart and soul into something,don't mean that anyone will connect with it...
6.Do you have a favorate Ciggerette Brand?
i do,several... i love camel wides,camel menthols,jakarta non filters,splash are ok,i like macanudo cigars,i like parrish house biddies,american spirit roll ups,and so on and so on...ask me about alchohol if you really want a novel... or better yet,BUD
7. For the people who think that you guys or any other local band are a rip off of another popular band...what do you have to say to these people?
all bands get compared to someone.there is really nothing wrong with that.if people cant connect to it than you really are missing the point of being a preforming arts group, and when playing to audiences,thats what you are.we have a array of influeces that we draw from.if some one said to me we sounded like mudvayne,or sick of it all, or death, than that is only our musical influence coming out.there is a point where it is to much though, when you play a lot of covers from 1 or 2 bands, and all your originals sound the same, then its time to take a step back and re-configurate... 8.People have been blaming music for all of the school shootings and violence in this world....Now since your a member of a band...what are your views on this subject?
ok,i have 2 kids.i pretty much let my kids listen to what they want to.if my 7 yr old came to me and said he thought that lincoln park was telling him to kill his classmates, is that the music, or is it that maybe i am being a fucking moron and letting this vile society we live in raise my kid for me???i think if you parent a kid properly, and he kills 34 kids in his school with YOUR rifle,than that kid was a fuckin psycho.parents, more than ever , have to be very hands on, and open, or they are DOOMED.
9. What are your personal music-influences for starting your own music?
the main influence in or band is emotion... i myself am into a lot of different shit...i am really loving mudvaynes 1st demo,im listening to carcass heartwork a lot,the rza, i always listen to like miles and coltrane, old de la soul, etc...i am diverse in my likes.
10.Now from all of the music you have done....What message do you want the fans and other non-fans to get from your music?
my main goal lyrically is to create a level of awareness about the each individuals ability to be cause in a state were they have never acheived it before.what i mean is this, our main goal is to let every person that the binding factor in there own life is them.we want to break down all preconcieved ideas about ones own ability to master his destiny.everything that i do in my life is a result of my cannot let yourself be a victim of political, religous, or community have to be cause
in every factor of your being...
thanx to everybody out there who has given us a chance...special thanx to QWAZY for helping out in all aspects...i will be fucking your daughter soon as i can to all you unsuspecting victims out all fans we will be fucking you in the ass soon...
I'm Out
1.What Do You Expect In 20 Years For Metal Music?