thank you page
TorMenTS impRint

SiN  G Er

Gu  i T a R

D Ru m S

G  Ui t A R

L  O w E nD

s  a M PL e s



thanks too you sic fuckers

torments imprint would like to thank!!!!
most of all mr. slam head into door QWAZY for taking care of the news letter,all
the hard core fans who get in the pit,
all the fans who came out to the show yet
sat on there ass lol still thank you for
showin up,and travis

xtra big thanks to DEICIDE,sol tribe,,jerk-box,grindhouse,sedamentreous,species of god,scarred,private property,lift,and any bands that are not listed give us me some time you'll be here soon
we need to thank jimmy spears who is recording the cd

thanks to
our familys for there love and suport and patients,SKETCHY R.I.P,
thanks to roadies
jason,qwazy,matt,and all the fans who helps us get our shit set up fast

thanks to
people, places, things, animals, children of all ages ,old people of old ages,and moshers of all sorts

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