TorMenTS impRint

SiN  G Er

Gu  i T a R

D Ru m S

G  Ui t A R

L  O w E nD

s  a M PL e s



thanks too you sic fuckers

LeaD / rYTHeM guiTar

  bio a guitar player who's in a band

  CRAIG USES IBANEZ GUITARS 7 and 6 string,peavy amps,digi-tech rp3,and your momma

  useless info give me chinks or give me death,

1.What Do You Expect In 20 Years For Metal Music?

With music in general constantly evolving it's hard to tell what form metal will take. It could be more a combination of many different styles. Take a look around you today, metal is vastly different than it was just ten years ago. For the style of metal we play as T.I. I believe the time is now for us to stake our claim in the metal world.

2. Alot of people think that rock bands only lisen to rock you think this is true and what are your views about it?

I totally diagree with that statement. I for one listen to a little bit of everything from Beethoven to Death. And yes I do listen to some Rap and Country. I believe as a musician, you have to listen to all types of music to be able to evolve as a musician. People who only listen to one type of music are isolating themselves from the beauty of what music itself is. You have to listen to everything with an open mind.

3. How is the friendship with other bands and do you feel intemenated by other bands?

Friendships with all the bands we've played with have been great. We're all trying to do basically the same thing to bring our music out to the masses. What better way than work together to bring about our common goal. the guys from Jerkbox and Sedementrious have been great friends and supporters of us and us of them. Anything we can do to help each other out is to the benefit of all of us. Intimated by other bands, hell no. I'm in this band for one thing and one thing only to enjoy the comradere and the music we make together period.

4. What is it like with you guys when you play because different band members have different sorts of friendships with the other members ....How do you feel about the other guys?

Simply put we're a family. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for Shawn, Justin, Lee, Jon, and David. By the way I would like to welcome David back in the fold. I go way back with a couple of guys in the band and it finally great to be able to create music with them. In my estimation, we're a college fraternity on crack. and I wouldn't change one thing about Torments Imprint as it is.

5. Now that you guys are in the studio....what are your views on the CD and do you think the fans will feel that they got there money's worth?

I view the CD as taking the next step in the direction we want to go. So far recording is going extremely well and I think it is something that I'll be able to look back on and be very proud of. The CD is going to powerful and emotional. The combination of what makes up the backbone of T.I. music. The die hard fans will love it and I believe it will bring many more into the fold. Will they get their money's worth? Oh Hell Yeah. We're pouring our heart and soul into this CD and the will be able to feel and damn near go deaf hearing it.

6.Do you have a favorate Ciggerette Brand?

What kind of fucking question is that? "Do I have a favorite brand of cigarette?" Am I getting an endorsement from Malboro or Camel if I answer one way or the other?
Alright, I'll answer the question now. A) Malboro, B) Camel, C) Newports D) Any, E) All the above. Correct Answer is B) Camel.

7. For the people who think that you guys or any other local band are a rip off of another popular band...what do you have to say to these people?
Everyone's entitled to their opinion and here's mine. You almost always are able to tell a musician's influeneces in their style of playing, or singing. There is nothing in music doesn't sound like the origins of their roots. Don't get me wrong it's up to the musician to take their influences and try to expand them and make them their own. Did Mudvayne rip off Kiss with the idea of wearing makeup and costumes? No they took that idea and expanded it on it and made it their own.

8.People have been blaming music for all of the school shootings and violence in this world....Now since your a member of a band...what are your views on this subject?

To me that's more an issue of parenting, not the music itself. Parents need to prove in their kids a sense of right and wrong. Would my parents blame me or the music, if I flipped out and start killing people? No they wouldn't because they know they raised me right. Parents who neglact spending time with their kids are the ones who should be blamed for their own mistakes. As I said kids who got pyscho are the ones that are raised without the sense of right and wrong.

9. What are your personal music-influences for starting your own music?

That's a hard question because i have so many. I listen to everything from classical to death metal. Guitarwise, I would say Eddie Van Halen, James and Kirk from Metallica, Eric Clapton, Rev. Billy Gibbons, and Chuck Berry. Vocally David Lee Roth, Ozzy, and Ronnie James Dio.

10.Now from all of the music you have done....What message do you want the fans and other non-fans to get from your music?

Well I want the fans and other people to be able to make their own intrepretation of our music. I hope that they feel the power and emotion our music brings out in me. To let the music empower them the same way it does the members of band. Above all that the music helps them understand a little bit more about themselves.
~*To the nongs of the world. We will be violating your mothers and sisters soon. No one is safe from the onslaught that is about to begin. Be afraid be very afraid*~

~*Craig A.K.A SnarfDoggyDog*~