TorMenTS impRint

SiN  G Er

Gu  i T a R

D Ru m S

G  Ui t A R

L  O w E nD

s  a M PL e s



thanks too you sic fuckers



19 year old originaly from flordia, started playing drums at the age of shit it doesn't matter but he's been playin for nine years

it sucks don't worry about it

1.What Do You Expect In 20 Years For Metal Music?
umm well the way the music scean is right now it is very hard to tell i hope its on top.

2. Alot of people think that rock bands only lisen to rock you think this is true and what are your views about it?

lol well me personaly i listen to alot of classical and jazz but then again i'll turn around and listen to cannibel corpse thats me but you know everyone has there own styles but there are people who like to stay with one style but you everyone does there own thing when it comes to music style.

3. How is the friendship with other bands and do you feel intemenated by other bands?

Well in my honest opinon i think to build the metal world bands need to work together and stop being so i wanna play first i wanna play last and just do it for the show if that makes sence.

4. What is it like with you guys when you play because different band members have different sorts of friendships with the other members....How do you feel about the other guys?

very close , lee, shawn , craig, justin they are my first family to me. we work together sure you know we fight scream yell at each other but we still have a very large respect for one another...its like a family unit.

5. Now that you guys are in the studio....what are your views on the CD and do you think the fans will feel that they got there money's worth?

Well i think that we will not put it out until we listen to it from a fans / listeners point of view. Just to make sure its gonna please every listener. it's all about the fans.the fans make or break you but i think they will be 100% pleased

6.Do you have a favorate Ciggerette Brand?

ummm... well... my favorite would have to be cloves BUT.. they crystalize your lungs so i can't smoke them. being a drummer so i have to go with camel lights every now and then not heavy tho.

7. For the people who think that you guys or any other local band are a rip off of another popular band...what do you have to say to these people?

To tell you the truth never really put much thought in to it ...i guess i would say thats cool i mean i'm not gonna kick someones ass for saying we sound like somone i don't like thats there opinon but everyone is gonna think we sound like somone.

8.People have been blaming music for all of the school shootings and violence in this world....Now since your a member of a band...what are your views on this subject?

Fuck that ! the goverment doesn't wanna blame the home life or the way there kids are raised but.. have you ever heard any band say get a gun and shoot everyone in your school. i haven't. the goverment blamed marilyn manson for that shit so i personaly think unless a band says kill people in your school. don't blame it on music

9. What are your personal music-influences for starting your own music?

well nirvana got me into music but then i heard like more technical drummers and got into drumming.i started playing alot of jazz,funk,technical playing style's,so i give all my inspirational credits to miles davis ,and his drummer then tool for getting me into like rock/metal.

10.Now from all of the music you have done....What message do you want the fans and other non-fans to get from your music?

Go for your goals ,don't let ANYONE tell you that you can not do what you wanna do. its your life no one elses if you believe you can do it YOU CAN . i never thought i would get in a band like torments imprint where i like everything that is happening and the guys in the band know what the hell there doing and now what they wanna do with there life so do what you wanna do reach for your goals and don't let and ego destroy you.

And as always...Stay Tormented!
666~Torement's Imprint~666


E-MAIL JONATHAN AT or instant mesage him aol/compuserve sljcjtorment screen name